Paper is a very versatile material, I hadn't realised earlier but there are so many ways in which it can be transformed. According to me the aim was to make us understand how a single material can be transformed in various ways.
It may sound very cliche but I really enjoyed the entire project. I love to work on projects that require a hands-on approach and this being my first made me really happy.
We learnt a lot of processes that a paper can be subjected to, some that we already knew but did not understand, and some which were absolutely new. I tried my best to be able to at least try all the techniques and processes discussed in class. Some of the processes and my experience with them are discussed below -
Braiding -
Different types of paper behave differently when braided. A glazed paper my tear easily due to it's fragility, therefore I twisted the strip of paper and then braided it. On the contrary, braiding an OHP sheet or gateway paper is very difficult due to their rigidity.
OHP Sheet And Gateway Paper -
I tried doing a bunch of different processes with these two types of paper. Cutting, half cutting and folding into forms, burning and stitching. It was quite interesting to work with both of these sheets.
Weaving -
We've all done standard weaving in our childhood quite a lot, so I decided to do a different kind of a weave. For my final cube project I created a circular weave, taking inspiration from a basket. Though I think it could have been more neat but I was still happy with the outcome.
Paper Pulping -
I got way too obsessed with this process, it was so fun. I used different types of paper for this, like - in one I mixed a few pieces of coloured glazed with bond paper, another on I made with newspaper. I also wanted to have some colourful paper so I added haldi in one and crushed beetroot in another one. I even created forms using the paper I made.
Burning -
This was the process I enjoyed the most. I tried burning almost all types of paper. One weird experience that I encountered was that I burnt paper made through paper-pulping which ended up releasing unexpected bad fumes. The fumes even caused irritation in my eyes.
I also burnt sunboard and made an interesting pattern.